Can you introduce yourself and your role within EEZZ?

Hello all, my name is Nathalie, I am 34 years old and have been part of Team EEZZ since January 2024! For a little over a month now I have been supporting the Front Office.

What does your job entail and what is an essential skill that someone in your role needs?

Mainly I am in contact with our guests and owners. Together we ensure that our guests have an unforgettable vacation and our owners get the most out of the accommodation. Because we work on two fronts, it is important to keep a good overview and to be able to switch quickly. Of course good communication skills are not to be missed!

Do you have a favorite motto?

“ The sky is the limit.“ Grenzen bestaan niet, alles is mogelijk zolang je erin gelooft!

What is the best part about working at EEZZ for you?

At EEZZ, the team shines in a special way and that makes all the difference to me! The team has a great dynamic where everyone gets along well. Togetherness and willingness to assist each other characterize the atmosphere at EEZZ, making it a place where everyone feels supported.

What is a memory within EEZZ that you will never forget?

We recently attended the Recreation Next Level 2024 trade show together. That was great fun to experience. Despite only recently being part of EEZZ, I was involved in everything. I immediately felt welcome!